If you’d like ingredients delivered, you can send your recommended PlateJoy shopping list to Instacart or Amazon Fresh, which provide same-day grocery delivery in many zip codes across the U.S.
To send your list to Instacart or Amazon Fresh, select the purple “Send to Instacart” or "Send to Amazon Fresh" Button at the top of your grocery list.
If you do not see the option to get groceries delivered, please make sure your zip code is updated on your My Account Page. You will not see the option for delivery If delivery is not available in your zip code.
Instacart delivers ingredients from your preferred grocer, without the packaging waste of traditional meal kit delivery services. Select your own favorite brands, and schedule delivery 7 days a week at your convenience.
Amazon Fresh
Amazon Prime members in select cities can shop for groceries and more with Amazon Fresh. Amazon Fresh offers Attended Delivery and Unattended Delivery, with Pickup options in select cities. Amazon Fresh is available exclusively to Amazon Prime members. Visit Amazon.com/Fresh to see if delivery or pickup is available in your area.